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Programs & Rates

We're honored to play a key role in preparing your child for success, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Our mission is to help develop their physical, emotional, cognitive, and social skills, and inspire a passion for learning!

We do this through structured and unstructured play.


With structured play, your child learns how to get their hands and mind working. Our teachers use a variety of media - including books, sensory materials, and dramatic play, to show the way.


With unstructured play, your child has the space and time to fine-tune what they've learned.

They problem-solve, have fun, and socialize at a pace that is comfortable for them.


Here’s a little more about what we work on with your children in each classroom:


Your child is a “sponge” at this early stage of development. They absorb everything they see and hear and work hard to apply that knowledge.

That means it’s a time of “firsts”- including grasping, rolling, sitting up, crawling, and walking.


Our infant room teachers encourage them to achieve these milestones, and give them ample time and space to develop independence in their movements.

Teachers encourage sign language, to empower your child to communicate with them - and you - what’s on their mind.


Infant Room Rates:

Part Time: $96.62  / day

Full Week: $452.47  / week



Your child - now that they've learned how to get around as an infant - is feeling their oats! They want to do everything on their own.

This means it's a good time to begin to fine-tune motor skills.

Teachers introduce them to items which need more-precise movements than they're used to. These include puzzles, blocks, markers, crayons, and Play-Doh.


But not everything is so neat and tidy. Your child will have the freedom to get a little messy, too!

They finger-paint, play with whipped cream, and spend time at our fun water and sand tables.


And it's not only about them anymore!

Your child's independent movements mean they're interacting with classmates more than ever.

Which makes this an ideal time to introduce social skills.

Teachers bring the class together to learn the alphabet, sing songs, dance, role play, and have fun.

They take your child to our outdoor and indoor playgrounds - to teach them to climb and share space.


Since there's a wide range of abilities at the toddler stage, we divide our toddlers into two groups. One for younger toddlers and one for older toddlers.

This ensures your child is with classmates of a similar development stage.


Toddler Room Rates:

Part Time: $$90.59  / day

Full Week: $$422.71  / week*



In preschool your child learns to be an active and respectful participant in a group setting.

Teachers introduce classroom etiquette. This includes following classroom rules and appropriately communicating needs and wants.


Your child gains a sense of responsibility through rotating classroom jobs.

These include "line leader", updating the class calendar and serving as "weather watcher".


They apply their letter knowledge to memorize how to spell their name and other words.

We do it all with warmth and encouragement. And lots of fun throughout the day.

We don’t leave behind singing and dancing and reading and getting messy in the toddler rooms!

Your preschooler loves - and needs - all those things as much as they ever have.


Preschool Rates:

Part Time: $84.54  / day

Full Week: $392.52  / week*



Pre-K prepares your child to hit the ground running in Kindergarten.


Teachers build upon the classroom basics introduced in preschool. And sharpen skills to build your child's confidence for the next level.

So while your preschooler learned to spell words, in Pre-K they learn to write those on their own. And go on to write short stories!


They'll fine-tune their number recognition and counting skills.


And find fun, creativity and exploration in art projects and science experiments.


Their teacher will also continue work on their social and emotional abilities.


The end result? They're well-prepared to learn and engage with their kindergarten teacher and classmates.


And at the end of their time with us in Pre-K we host a formal graduation ceremony, including caps and diplomas.

This provides an opportunity for closure for your little one.

But that closure is as much for us as it is for them.

Saying goodbye to your child - after sharing so much time and so many experiences with them - is always emotional for us!


Pre-K Rates:

Part Time: $84.54  / day

Full Week: $392.52  / week*


School Bus

Drop off your child as early as 7 am for before-school care.

We walk the students to a bus stop at the corner of Cottage Street and Evergreen Street.

(A very short walk from our center).

And help your child get on the bus and on their way to McGovern Elementary School.


We wait for the students at the same bus stop in the afternoon and escort them back to our center.

Where they will enjoy a snack - provided by us - and an art activity.

Then it's off to supervised play in our indoor  gym or outdoor playground.


Pickup anytime before 6 pm.


Before / After-School Care Rates:

$43 / day for Before or After-School Care 

$81 / day for both Before and After-School Care

* You’ll receive a 10% discount off of the oldest siblings tuition if enrolled full-time ONLY!
Tuition is subject to change yearly based upon inflation rate

There's a $100 application fee and a non-refundable deposit - two full weeks of tuition - due upon enrollment.

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